Visual Sense Eye Care
385 Fairway Road South Unit 202 Kitchener ON N2C 2N9 519.208.2040

Our Practice

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Full Range of Expert Eye Services in Kitchener, ON

All About Visual Sense Eye Care

Visual Sense Eye Care is a trusted leader in visual function and health.

Our practice offers a full range of services for every member of your family, from children to adults of all ages. Our expertise also reaches far beyond eye exams and eyewear fittings to include tailored rehabilitative strategies and programs to train how your brain and eyes work together to optimize your vision skills.

Visual Sense Eye Care was founded by Dr. Tanya Polonenko; an internationally recognized and trusted leader in the field of vision therapy. With her leadership and years of experience, we offer a high standard of visual care, including vision therapy treatment programs, which are custom-built to meet your unique needs.

 Our office is also wheelchair accessible and designed with LED lighting to reduce visual strain and save energy.

Our specific areas of focus include:

Comprehensive Primary Eye Care
Vision Therapy & Rehabilitation
Binocular Vision
Neuro-Optometry and Concussion
Pediatric & Special Needs Eye Care

Our Mission

Everybody has untapped visual potential that may be developed. We are here to optimize that potential. This means helping you to maintain a healthy, comfortable, and efficient visual experience, so that your visual system can allow you to do amazing things in school, work, life, or play.

Our Core Values

The Whole Picture

We believe in promoting the entirety of our patient’s health. This means looking at how your visual health and function impacts your life as a whole. By recognizing your vision as integral to your total well-being, we provide truly effective treatment with compassion, care and understanding of your vision needs.


We work together as a team to ensure that all your visual and eye care needs are taken care of. By doing so, we believe that we can make a difference in our community.


At Visual Sense Eye Care, we understand that to properly treat our patients, we must build trust through integrity. We actively work to uphold ourselves to the highest standards in patient care, and invest in our clinic development and education to deliver the best care we can.

Advancing Vision Therapy & Pediatric Visual Health

We offer vision therapy to all ages to either develop, restore or enhance vision. Vision therapy can benefit those who have been diagnosed with eye turns (strabismus), lazy eye (amblyopia), eye tracking and eye teaming or coordination difficulties, learning-related vision issues, or injured visual systems, whether that is from concussion, stroke, or brain injury.

Dr. Polonenko personalizes her vision therapy programs for suitable candidates of all ages and walks of life that can benefit from a vision therapy treatment program.

Dr. Polonenko is known as one of the leading experts in the area for vision therapy and rehabilitation. She is regularly asked by professionals and organizations to share her expertise with colleagues at events nationwide.

Learn more about Dr. Polonenko’s expertise & professional history.

Dr. Polonenko loves working with children and has made pediatric optometry one of her priorities in her career. With years of practical experience and teaching in pediatrics, Dr. Polonenko is qualified to offer a level of children’s eye care that goes beyond comprehensive eye exams, including visual skills assessments, special needs optometry, and more. During assessments, Dr. Polonenko makes kids comfortable by treating tests as a fun and interactive experience while exploring their vision.

Learn more about our exceptional pediatric eye care.

With a residency from one of the top two schools for vision therapy, and two fellowships in binocular vision and vision therapy, Dr. Polonenko has developed an approach to vision therapy that is on the cutting edge of innovation.

Learn more about our approach to vision therapy.

Our visual performance is important to academic success, and overall success in daily tasks, jobs, and sports. Eye teaming, focusing, tracking and processing all work to meaningfully interpret what we see so that we can respond and interact effectively in our environment. When you visit Dr. Polonenko for a comprehensive eye exam, she uses her extensive training to determine whether these skills are diminished. If they are, Dr. Polonenko can perform an in-depth visual exploration of all your visual functional skills.

Learn more about Dr. Polonenko’s vision therapy diagnostic exams.

Concussions can cause significant visual symptoms for many patients, because up to 70% of the brain is related to vision, whether from the visual system itself or other senses interacting with vision. Dr. Polonenko keeps current with the latest research, education, and practical treatment for the visual implications of post-concussion syndrome to best help you recover after a brain injury.

Learn more about post-concussion rehabilitation.

Meet Your Visual Health Team

Our Doctors


Dr. Tanya Polonenko, OD, FAAO, FCOVD



Dr. Kristin Zai, OD, BScK



Dr. Violet Zawada Kuzio, OD


Staff Members












Receptionist/Optometric Assistant



Certified Optometric Assistant



Optometric Assistant



Vision Therapist



Vision Therapist



Vision Therapist



Vision Therapist



Low Vision Specialist

We Look Forward to Seeing You

Our Address

385 Fairway Road South
Unit 202

Kitchener, ON N2C 2N9

Contact Information

Phone: 519.208.2040
Fax: 519.208.2045
[email protected]

Hours of Operations

9 AM – 5:30 PM
11 AM – 7:30 PM
9 AM – 5 PM
9 AM – 5 PM
9 AM – 3 PM

Our Services

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